New HomeownersPlease contact Royer Association Management by calling 602-490-0320 or send an email to advise us that you are ready to receive your new trash cans.

Existing Homeowners who have damaged trash cans should contact Royer Association Management for a replacement.  

If your trash can has been lost or stolen, please contact Waste Management directly at 602-268-2222.

If you need to purchase or replace your gate remote, please order them through ParkPro's Online Form.


If you are having issues with your gate remote, please call ParkPro at 602-254-0770.


If you would like to change/update your gate code, please email Royer Management or call us at 602-490-0320.  We will coordinate programming of your new code with ParkPro.


Homeowners should remember not to post your secure code at the Community gates for any reason. 


If you need a temporary gate code, email Royer Association Management or call us at 602-490-0320  and we will coordinate setting-up a unique code for your event.

Homeowners may access the HOA Portal to review their accounts and make payments.

Trash & Recycle Pick-Up Day is each Tuesday, except on holidays (see below). Here is a link of items that you may (and may not) be included in your recycle trash.


Bulk Trash Pick-up is the 2nd Thursday of each month, except on holidays (see below).


Holiday Schedule: Pick-up is delayed by one day for the following Holidays:


New Year's Day

Thanksgiving Day

Christmas Day


All other holidays, pick-up will be normal schedule.


The following are the Meeting

Dates @ 7:00pm for 2025:


January 21st


March 18th


May 20th (Annual)


August 19th


October 21st (Budget)


(Zoom link will be emailed out and posted to the Homeowner Portal with the proposed agenda)


The purpose of the meeting is to discuss business of the association properly brought to the board of directors.


Executive Session Meeting

(directly following the Board meeting)

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© Royer Association Management